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Spring, 2025, Emeritus Jewelry Class

Class Title: ART E80, Section 9732
Class Time: Thursdays, 11:30am-1:45pm
Remote class on Zoom.
Click here for downloadable semester project list. 

Week 1, 2/20/25, Tools Needed for all Week 1 Projects:
Medium (a.k.a. Standard) Crimping pliers
Wire flush cutters
2 pairs Chain-nose pliers
Bead design board
Round-nose pliers
2 bead stopper clips
Round-nose pliers
Chasing Hammer
Steel Bench Block

Link to Zoom recording of 2/20/25 Jewelry Class.

NCW Project #168, M-Hook Lariat Necklace

Click here for M-Hook Lariat handout.

M aterials Needed
36” .018” nylon-covered wire (beading wire)
3” 18-gauge craft wire
2 -2mm.x 2mm. crimp tubes
1 yd. 20-gauge craft wire
1 yd. 24-gauge wire (optional)
About 38” of assorted beads, including a few small beads with large holes 

NCW Project #511, Continuous Strand Nylon-Covered Wire Necklace

Link to Continuous Strand NCW Necklace handout.

Materials Needed
24” or more of beads, including 8” of beads with holes large enough to fit 2 strands of wire
(2) 2mm.x 2mm. crimp beads
(2) 4mm crimp covers
36” of .018” nylon-covered wire (beading wire)
(or 12” longer than desired finished necklace) 

Nylon-Covered Wire Project #3: Single-Strand, Nylon-Covered Wire Necklace w/Crimp Beads

Click here for Nylon-Covered Wire Necklace handout.

Materials Needed:
.018" Beadalon nylon-covered wire (length of necklace, plus 12 extra inches)
Asst. beads, including 8 small beads w/lg. holes, for the ends of the necklace
(2) 2mm.x2mm. crimp beads, Clasp set

NCW Project #30: Eyeglass Holders or Face Mask Holder

Mask holder
Click here for Eyeglass Holders handout.

Materials Needed:
32” of .015” Beadalon nylon-covered wire (a.k.a. Beading wire)
22" of Asst. small or medium size beads such as small seed beads, bugle beads and 4-6mm. beads

8 small beads w/lg. holes for ends, such as size 6 seed beads
2 Eyeglass holder findings or 2 large lobster clasps
(2) 2mm.x 2mm. crimp beads
Optional: (4) jump rings - 6mm outside diameter, 19-gauge (Susan’s #1 rings)

Week 2, 2/27/25, Stretch Magic Project #164, Multi-Strand Stretch Magic Bracelet with Nylon-Covered Wire Loops

Link to Zoom recording of 2/27/25 Jewelry class.

Click here for Stretch Magic Bracelet w/Loops Handout.

Materials Needed for 7” bracelet
36” of .015” Nylon-covered wire
56” of .7mm. Stretch Magic elastic cord
4 -2mm.x2mm. crimp tubes
28” seed beads or assorted other beads, not too large. You will probably want 7” of each of 4 types of beads
12” 4mm. beads or seed beads (all one kind), with holes large enough to fit 2 strands of NCW
G-S hypo Cement 

Tools Needed
Wire flush cutter
Medium (Standard) Crimping Pliers
Bead Stopper Clip

Memory Wire Project #2: 3-Coil Memory Wire Bracelet

Materials Needed:
3 ½ coils bracelet-size memory wire
About 21" of asst. beads
Notes about beads: Don’t use long, tubular or oval beads because they won’t go around the curve of the wire. Also, avoid too many heavy beads.
Tools Needed:
Memory wire cutter
Round-nose pliers
Important: Do not use your regular cutters on Memory Wire!
Stretch Magic Projects #1 & #367, Single-Strand Stretch Magic Bracelet with 4 Different Endings
Stretch Magic Bracelet
Materials Needed:
14” of .7mm. Stretch Magic elastic cord
7-8" of asst. beads
G-S Hypo Cement
4mm. crimp cover
Hanging bail
Large-hole bead
Small, heavy jump ring (Susan’s #14)
Bead caps (optional)
Tools Needed:
Bead Stopper Clip
2 Pairs of Chain-nose pliers

Week 3, 3/6/25, Tools Needed for all Week 3 Projects :
2 pairs of Chain-nose pliers
Round-nose pliers
Wire flush cutters
Nylon-Jaw Pliers

Craft Wire Project #510, Bead-Wrapped, Interlinked Chain Style Metal Rings for Earrings or Pendant

Link to downloadable Bead Wrapped, Chain Style Rings handout.

Materials Needed:
2 Interlinked Chain Style Metal Rings
1 yard of 26-gauge wire
2 small, heavy jump rings (Susan’s #14)
2 earring wires 


Craft Wire Projects #18 & 19: Wire Looping for Earrings, Necklaces and Bracelets on Head-pins & Wire


Week 5, 9/26/24, Craft Wire Project #14: Wire-Wrapped Necklace or Bracelet

Week 4, 3/13/25, NO CLASS. SUSAN ABSENT




Week 6, 3/27/25, Tools Needed for all Week 6 Projects:

Tools Needed
Bead Design Board
Bead Stopper Clip
Chain-nose pliers
Knotting Tweezers
Small Paper Clip

Cord Project #21,Continuous Silk Cord Knotted (or Not-Knotted) Necklace 

Link to Continuous Strand Knotted Necklace handout.

Materials Needed
One package Griffin Bead Cord (see Step 1 below about choosing size)
24” of beads (see Step 1 below about choosing beads)
G-S Hypo Cement

Cord Projects #9 & #12: Plain or Knotted Necklace on Bead Cord, w/Bead Tips
Cord Project #13: Floating-Design Knotted Necklace on Bead Cord, w/Bead Tips
Floating Design Knotted Necklace     

Week 7, 4/3/25, Cord Project #202, Beaded Kumihimo Bracelet


Link to Beaded Kumihimo Bracelet handout.

Materials Needed
5.5 yds. of .8mm. waxed polyester cord or Superlon Tex 400
Round Beads w/holes large enough for cord: 
     48 small (4mm), 48 medium (5 or 6 mm), 8 large (6, 6.4 or 8mm)
G-S Hypo Cement 
Clear nail polish 
½” to ¾” button with shank 

Tools Needed
Sharp scissors 
Kumihimo disk
1 oz. Fishing or other weight.
Large safety pin 
8 bobbins
Chain-nose pliers


Cord Project #201, Basic Kumihimo Braid Bracelet

Click here for Basic Kumihimo Braid handout.

Materials Needed 
2-4 colors of cord, 2 yards of each. You can use any kind of cord: embroidery thread, cotton yarn, waxed cotton cord, hemp cord, leather cord, etc., preferably around 1mm. in thickness
Tools Needed
Same as Project above.

Week 8, 4/10/25, Tools Needed for Both Week 8 Projects:
2 smooth-jawed pliers (Chain-nose, Flat-nose, or Bent-nose pliers)
Fleece Work Mat

Chain Maille Project #344, European 4-in-1 Cuff Bracelet with Rubber O-Rings



Click here for European 4-in-1 Bracelet with Rubber O-Rings Handout.

Materials Needed
For 7” bracelet: 34 metal rings and 68 rubber rings for base round. 
34 metal & 34 rubber rings for each additional row.
Ring Sizes: 
16-gauge jump rings, 7.5mm. outer diameter jump rings (Susan’s #33)
10mm Rubber O-Rings


Chain Maille Project #55: 3-in-3 Chain Maille Bracelet


Week 9,  4/24/25, Craft Wire Project #224, Viking Knit Necklace

Click here for Viking Knit Necklace Handout.

Materials Needed
9 yards of 24-gauge wire
13” of Asst. tiny to small beads (e.g. small pearls, size 6 seed beads, fringe beads, 4mm. round and bicone beads, etc.)
3 round, 4mm. beads
3 small, heavy Jump rings
12” of 3/16” Plastic aquarium tubing
Pair of cones with 5/8” or slightly larger openings
12” of Chain with links large enough to clip the lobster clasp into 
Lobster Clasp 
1 head pin
Tools Needed
½” Lazee Daizee Viking Knit Tool
Felt or fleece fabric
Draw plate
Nylon-jaw pliers
Chain-nose pliers
Round-nose pliers
Wire flush cutters

Week 10, 5/1/25, Macrame Project #512, Double or Triple Macrame Bracelet

Handout & Photo Coming Soon!

Materials Needed
Round beads
½”-3/4” button
Tools Needed
Clipboard or Macrame Board
Bead stopper clip
Chain-nose pliers (optional)
Knotting tweezers (optional) 


Macrame Project #210, Macrame Square Knot Bracelet with Center Beads & Slide Closure

Click here for Macrame Bracelet handout.

Materials Needed
One 20” inner cord
Two 36” Outer Cords
One 20” finishing cord
Center beads: About 6” of beads with holes large enough to fit onto the cord OR one large, center bead
Clear Nail polish (optional)
Tools Needed
Same as Project above

Week 11, 5/8/25, Macrame Necklace with Triangle Points

 Handout & Photos Coming Soon!


Week 12, 5/15/25, Bead Weaving Project #487, Narrow Superduo Bracelet with Scallop Border

Click here for Narrow Superduo Bracelet Handout.

Materials Needed
About 100 Superduos
About 250 Size 11 seed beads
2 yards of Size D beading thread: Superlon, Fireline, etc.
Clasp set
2 jump rings: 18 ga, 4.2mm inner diameter (Susan’s #36 rings)
Tools Needed
#10 beading needle
2 pairs of chain-nose pliers

Week 13, 5/22/25, Chain project #87, Beading Chain (a.k.a. “Snake” Chain) Illusion Necklace w/Clamshells

Click here for Snake Chain Necklace handout. 

Materials Needed
33” Snake Chain
16-24 2mm.x2mm. crimp tubes (with opening large enough to fit chain)
Asst. beads with holes small enough to be held by crimp beads, but still fit on chain (.8mm)
1 clasp set
2 clamshell bead tips, either with hook or with 2 loops
If using clamshells with 2 loops, you will also need 2 small jump rings.   
Tools Needed
Heavy wire cutters
Chain nose pliers
Round nose pliers

Week 14, 5/29/25, Tools Needed for All Week 14 Projects:

Chain-nose pliers
Round nose pliers
Wire flush cutters
Nylon jaw pliers
Heavy-duty flush cutter for chain OR Memory wire cutter

Chain Project #513, Y-Chain necklace

Handout & Photo Coming Soon.

Materials Needed: Chain, Beads, 20-gauge wire, 24-gauge wire


Craft Wire Project #22: Necklace of beads & chain connected with Wire Loops or Wire-Wrapping

Bead Caps, Chain, Metal Rings, Beads, Necklace

Click here for Beads & Chain necklace handout.


Chain Project #108, Chain Necklace w/Bead Dangles – single strand

Click here for Chain Necklace with Bead Dangles handout.

Materials Needed
18” or more of chain
Clasp set
2” of larger link chain to make adjustable length (optional)
Asst. beads
Head pins
2 small, heavy jump rings (Susan’s #14 rings for example)
20-gauge wire (optional)
24-gauge wire (optional)
26-gauge wire (optional)
Tools Needed
Chain-nose pliers
Round nose pliers
Wire flush cutters
Nylon jaw pliers

Week 15,  6/5/25, Tools Needed for All Week 15 Projects:
Wire side cutter 
2 chain-nose pliers
Round nose pliers
Nylon Jaw pliers

Craft Wire Project #170, “Waterfall” Earrings

Materials Needed
1 pair earring wires
12 -4mm. beads (round or bicone)
2 top-drilled beads, around 10mm.x 8mm. (teardrop or briolette)
12” of 22-gauge craft wire (or 12 head pins)
18” of 26-gauge crafts wire
2 small pieces (4 links each) of small chain (around 2mm.), such as curb or cable chain


Craft Wire Project #182, Twisted Wire Branch Jewelry

Materials Needed
26-gauge wire: 48”
10-12 top drilled beads
2 Small, heavy jump rings (Susan’s #14)
2 pair Earring wires  


Craft Wire Project #54: Wire Wrapping Top-Drilled Beads for Earrings

Top-drilled teardrops earrings

WEEK 16, 6/12/25, Chain Maille Project #508, Sheet Metal & Chain Maille Earrings

Photo & Handout Coming Soon! 

Materials Needed
24-gauge sheet metal or 2 pre-made shapes
1 pair earring wires
22-gauge wire
Small jump rings (size tbd)
Small beads (optional
Head pins (optional) 

Tools Needed
Metal shears
Ball peen or other texturizing hammer
Steel bench block
2 pairs chain-nose pliers
Dapping block
Round-nose pliers
Wire flush cutters
Metal file
Extra-fine tip black Sharpie
Metal hole punch

©2025 Susan Ryza       2/24/25